Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Tree Is a Plant

A Tree Is a Plan by Clyde Robert Bulla describes how a tree grows from a seed to become the huge trees children see outside.  While the words and descriptions are great, the pictures really solidify the idea.  The illustrations show the underground part of the seed growing roots, those roots reaching the surface and expanding, and how those roots grow as the tree grows.  This book is relatable to children as it discusses that trees are where apples and other fruit come from.  It relates the growing of the tree to the growing of the fruit.  This will enable students to know where their food comes from and understand how it grows from something so little and dirty to something we can eat!  There is even an experiment at the end of the book that allows children to see how the water is absorbed through the roots to eventually feed the leaves.  Students can read this book to better understand the journey from seed to tree, and then do the experiment to see first-hand how this happens!


  1. What a great book to use for a plant life cycle unit! I'm curious to see and know more about the experiment mentioned at the end of the book. I'm teaching the plant life cycle next semester and this book (and its experiment) might be something that I would use for my lesson!
